<aside> 🗒️ In this paper you will investigate a variety of theoretical perspectives on social life. Some perspectives examine how social structures are built up from individual action, whether driven by evolutionary psychology, decided by rational choice, or motivated by meaningful values. Others identify the emergent properties of social life, ranging from face-to-face interaction to social networks to systems of oppression. Throughout, you will learn how the insights of classical sociologists are being advanced in contemporary research.





Tutorials 2022/23

Week 1 – Rational Choice

Week 2 – Interpersonal interaction

Week 3 – Social Networks

Week 3 – Social integration

Week 4 – Systemic oppression & functionalism

Week 5 – Micro & Macro

Week 6 – Gender

Week 7 – Norms

Week 8 – Collective action

Vacation Reads

1st Revision Tutorial

2nd Revision Tutorial

3rd Revision Tutorial