Test your knowledge
I want you to take the following concepts and think about them in relation to Social Norms. How do they explain certain types of social behaviour associated with Norms? Who are the leading theorists? Name at least one for each concept.
- Collective action
- Collective efficacy
- Game theory
- Habitualization
- Rational Action Theory
- Social Class
- Structural functionalism
Tutorial Questions
- ! Karl Marx, Talcott Parsson, James Coleman , and Robert Merton, Berger and Luckmann are sitting at a table together discussing Norms. How could this discussion look like?
- When do social norms break? e.g. explain the loo roll hoarding during Covid-19 lockdown.
- Tipping/Gratuity — when is it rational? when is irrational?
- “Social norms are necessary to create a functional society” — discuss
- “Social norms create and define social class structures” — discuss
- “Norms are created as rational actions by individuals on the micro-level and develop into larger societal norms governing social structure” — discuss
- Are there differences between ‘offline’ and ‘online’ social norms? In other words, are there types of social interactions that are accepted online, but are not accepted in offline encounters?
- What behaviours, originating from social norms, do you perform even when alone?
- What would a feminist think about ‘gentlemen’ holding the door open for ‘ladies’?