Q. Do social movements cause or reflect political change? (PPE 2016)
Your Reading List for this Week
Andrews, Kenneth T, and Michael Biggs. 2006. “The Dynamics of Protest Diffusion: Movement Organizations, Social Networks, and News Media in the 1960 Sit-Ins.” American Sociological Review 71(5): 752–77
Biggs, Michael. 2015. “Has Protest Increased Since the 1970s? How a Survey Question Can Construct a Spurious Trend.” The British Journal of Sociology 66(1): 141–62.
Almeida, Paul, and Chris Chase-Dunn. 2018. “Globalization and Social Movements.” Annual Review of Sociology 44(1): 189–211
Gerber, Alan S et al. 2011. “Personality Traits and Participation in Political Processes.” The Journal of Politics 73(03): 692–706
Persson, Mikael. 2013. “Education and Political Participation.” British Journal of Political Science 45(03): 689–703.
Recommended readings
Olson, Mancur, (1965), The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups. Harvard University Press.
Jasper, James M. 2011. “Emotions and Social Movements: Twenty Years of Theory and Research.” Annual Review of Sociology 37(1): 285–303.